Evostar 2019

The Leading European Event on Bio-Inspired Computation. Leipzig, Germany. 24-26 April 2019.

Call for papers:

Camera ready instructions

IMPORTANT NOTICE: To be published in the proceedings, at least one author must REGISTER and PAY for the conference (before 28 February 2019), and also ATTEND to present his/her paper.

Please follow Springer's LNCS instructions when preparing your paper. ftp://ftp.springernature.com/cs-proceeding/svproc/guidelines/Springer_Guidelines_for_Authors_of_Proceedings.pdf

Strict page limit for all evostar conferences: 16 pages

References should be ordered by appearance in the paper, using the modified 'splncs03.bst' as BibTeX style (if you use LaTeX), or generating a list with this order if you use Word. In case you would like to use the original ‘splncs03.bst’ BiTeX style file downloaded from Springer’s web page, please comment out line no. 1474: ‘ITERATE {presort} —> %%ITERATE {presort}’.

You are also encouraged to include DOI identifiers in your references.

New: Authors can include their ORCID identifiers. See Springer's instructions for details.

Springer reprocesses all the contributions, meaning that you have to provide all source files and figures.

You should prepare a single tgz or zip-file containing a single directory with all of the necessary files (and all the necessary .sty files). Warning: Files larger than 8Mb will be rejected by the Apache server without any error message and there is nothing we can do about that. In case you don't see any way to shrink your file below this (large) size, contact the chair.The name of the directory should be the last name of the first author.

The directory has to contain:
  • Latex .tex file (named with the last name of the first author).
  • Latex .bib and .bbl files (named with the last name of the first author).
  • All figures: .png, .jpg, .pdf (using pdflatex) or .ps, .eps (using latex).
  • Final .pdf file (named with the last name of the first author).
  • .rtf file if another word processing program other than Latex was used (named with the last name of the first author).
  • authors.txt : This file should have one line for each author of the paper using the following format:
  • [first names of first author] [last name of first author] [email]
    [first names of second author] [last name of second author] [email]

    Please mark the contact author with * at the end of the line.

    Example of a paper authored by Mario Rossi and José Salgado:
    Mario Rossi mario.rossi@myuni.xy
    Jos\'e Salgado jsalgado@hisuni.yx*

    Note that in authors.txt any accent/special characters must be written in Latex style, e.g.: Jos\'e
  • abstract.txt : This file should have the following structure:
  • first line: title of the paper second line: blank remaining lines: abstract of the paper (in ASCII without line breaks).
  • Scanned signed consent to publish/copyright form as PDF using the following filename:
  • [last_name_of_first_author]cr.pdf
    (one author may sign on behalf of all authors of a paper).

Download the LNCS consent to publish/copyright form from here.

Other considerations:
  • When submitting a paper, please specify between three to five keywords.
  • EvoAPP's authors, please be sure to specify a secondary topic.
  • In camera ready, and using LaTeX, authors should fill up \authorrunning and \titlerunning, without activating them (commented).
  • Example:
    %\authorrunning{A. Uthor et al.}
    %\titlerunning{My beautiful paper}
  • In camera ready, authors should not enable page numbering.
  • If using LaTeX, please include a bibtex file, even if the bibliography is embedded into the source .tex file(s)

Authors not following the instructions may result in the paper being excluded from the proceedings.

Also, before 11 February 2019, you also have to send an E-mail to aesparcia@ieee.org with the title: "EvoStar19 attendance confirmation" which includes the following information:
  1. Name of (co)author who will attend EvoStar2019
  2. If attendee is a student, their advisor has been cc-ed into this mail
  3. If a VISA is required for the attendee, the application process has started: Not-required / Yes / No.
In summary, you have to do each of the following 3 tasks no later than 11 February:
  • Submit a zip file containing the paper including all source files (see above for details), an authors.txt file, an abstract.txt file and a signed consent to publish/copyright form as PDF
  • Send an email with the name of the (co)author who will attend and register at EvoStar 2019
  • At least one author must register and pay the conference fee by 28 February 2019. Failure to do so could result in the paper being excluded from publication.

Please ensure that submissions are directed to the relevant conference. Papers that are not formatted according to those guidelines, or do not respect the page limit, risk being excluded from the proceedings. Submit your final camera-ready paper NO LATER than 11 February 2019 through the appropriate submission system at

When filling in your consent to publish/copy right form you will have to enter the editors's names and title, as follows:
  • Editors for EvoAPPS: P. Kaufmann et al. Title: Applications of Evolutionary Computation - 22nd International Conference EvoApplications 2019
  • Editors for EuroGP: L. Sekanina et al. Title: Genetic Programming - 22nd European Conference, EuroGP 2019
  • Editors for EvoCOP: A. Liefooghe et al. Title: Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization - 19th European Conference, EvoCOP 2019
  • Editors for EvoMUSART: A. Ekart et al. Title: Computational Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design - 8th International Conference, EvoMUSART 2019

Important dates:

Submission Deadline: 1 November 2018
Notification: 14 January 2019
Camera-ready: 11 February 2019
Mandatory registration per paper: 28 February 2019
Early registration deadline: 15 March 2019
Late Breaking Abstracts: 10 April 2019
Registration deadline: 17 April 2019
EvoStar dates: 24-26 April 2019
