Call for EvoAPPS Special Sessions

EvoApplications, the International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation, invites you to submit a special session proposal to be part of its 25th edition. Special sessions are at the heart of EvoApplications offering the possibility to gather the community around a particular aspect or application domain of Evolutionary Computation with the aim of fostering and strengthening scientific collaborations and exchanges among attendees.

Special session organizers should do their best to publicize and attract high quality papers to their session.  They will also be granted permission to access the reviewing system, where they will assist in the reviewing process. Finally, during the conference, they will be in charge of animating and chairing the special session.

EvoApplications provides the infrastructure for the website, the submission system as well as a programme committee of experts in different domain areas. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings of EvoApplications, published in a volume of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the EvoApplications program committee. Note that organizers and participants must register to the conference.

Submission Instruction

Each special session proposal should include:

  1. A short and descriptive title for the special session.
  2. A description with the scope and the topics of interest of the special session (up to 400 words). 
  3. Name, affiliation and emails of the organizer(s). We encourage proposals with two organizers. Otherwise, please justify the need for more people.
  4. The title and authors of two or more temptative papers to be submitted to the special session.

Proposals should be submitted by e-mail to the EvoApplications 2022 Conference Chairs: 

Juanlu Jiménez
Université Le Havre Normandie, France
: juanlu.jimenez(at)

Iñaki Hidalgo
Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain
Email: hidalgo(at)

Proposal submission deadline: September 10, 2021

Notification of session acceptance: Proposals will be reviewed as they arrive by the EvoApplications organizing committee. Decisions will be made in a few working days. The acceptance criteria will be based on the quality of the proposal, its interest to the community and the possible degree of overlap with other special sessions already accepted.