
Professor Susan Stepney

Closing Talk: Friday, 25 April at 12:00 noon

“Challenges for Open Ended Evolution”

Open-ended evolution is a major goal of Artificial Life research.  However, many in silico experiments in this area use implementations that are demonstrably closed.  Here I will talk about requirements for OEE, discuss how biology seems to achieve this, and suggest ways forward for artificial systems.

Susan Stepney is Professor of Computer Science at the University of York, where she is Director of the York Centre for Complex Systems Analysis. Her research interests include unconventional computation, complex emergent systems, artificial chemistries, and open-ended evolution.  She previously worked as a consultant with Logica in Cambridge, specialising in Z specification and proof, and other mathematical modelling, of IT systems and applied these techniques to the DeCCo high integrity compiler, and to E6 Smart Card Applications.  She was previously a Research Scientist at GEC-Marconi in Chelmsford working on ParSiFal ('Parallel Simulation Facility'), a collaborative Alvey project involving Transputers and occam.  A first class honours graduate in theoretical physics from Newnham College at the University of Cambridge, she continued at the University of Cambridge at the Institute of Astronomy where she was awarded her PhD in relativistic thermal plasmas, winning the 1982 Rayleigh Prize.  She continued as a  a SERC Post-doctoral Research Fellow conducting research into relativistic astrophysical plasmas