In EvoStar 2020 we want to recognise the good work of our students, who represent the future of our community.
We selected papers that had obtained an overall review score greater than or equal to 2 (i.e. the Top 20 papers in Evo*) or that had been nominated for a Best Paper Award, and whose first author was a student. Following these rules we came up with our list of Outstanding Students:
- Kehinde Babaagba
- Leonardo Lucio Custode
- Takahiro Ishihara
- Karlo Knezevic
- João Macedo
- Guang Peng
- Anil Saini
To these we have added, as a novelty this year, those who were students at the time of carrying out the work for their paper, but have since graduated. They are:
- Raneem Qaddoura (PhD, Dec 2019)
- Marialaura Previti (PhD, Jan 2020)
- Mohammed Baraq Mushtaq (MSc, Jul 2019)
Congratulations to all of them!