Programme Overview Visit the full program here Times shown are in BST (GMT+01:00). Times shown in: Local time Aberystwyth time (BST, GMT+01:00) EvoStar 2024 conference programme Tuesday 2 April Start End 17:00 20:00 Student Welcome Reception (Theatre Bar in the Arts Centre) Wednesday 3 April Start End Room A Room B Room C Room D 08:45 09:15 Registrations (1st floor) 09:15 09:40 Conference opening (Room A) 09:40 10:40 Plenary invited talk: Jon Timmis (Room A) 10:40 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 13:15 EvoMUSART Audio-visual Creativity EML Computational Models and Short Talks EvoApplications Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition LBAs 13:15 14:15 Lunch (Room: MedRus) 14:15 16:05 EuroGPBest paper nominations EvoMUSART Short talks EvoApplications Problem Landscape Analysis & other applications LBAs 16:05 16:25 Coffee break (Room: MedRus) 16:25 17:45 EvoMUSARTBest paper nominations EvoApplications Games EuroGP 1 17:45 18:00 Break 18:00 20:00 Poster session and conference reception(Room: MedRus) Thursday 4 April Start End Room A Room B Room C Room D 09:00 11:00 EvoCOP Operators, learning & applications EvoApplications CI for Sustainability EvoApplications Misc applications 11:00 11:20 Coffee break (Room: MedRus) 11:20 12:20 Julian F. Miller Award Session: A coffee with Hod Lipson & Dario Floreano (Room A) 12:20 13:20 Student workshop (Room B) 13:20 14:20 Lunch (Room: MedRus) 14:20 16:00 EvoApplicationsBest paper nominations EvoMUSART Generative Visual Design & Illustration EuroGP 2 16:00 16:20 Coffee break (Room: MedRus) 16:20 18:00 EvoCOPBest paper nominations EML EC for EML enhancement EvoApplications Analysis of EC Methods: Theory, Empirics & RWA 18:00 19:30 On your own 19:30 20:00 Group photo and visit to the art exhibition 20:00 22:00 Conference dinner Friday 5 April Start End Room A Room B Room C Room D 09:30 11:35 EvoMUSART Natural Language-Driven Audio-Visual Generation EvoCOP Operators & theory EML Applied EML 11:35 12:05 Coffee break (Room: MedRus) 12:05 13:05 Plenary invited talk: Sabine Hauert (Room A) 13:05 13:35 Conference closing (Room A) 13:35 14:20 Lunch (Room: MedRus) 14:20 15:20 SPECIES Society AGM (Room A) 15:20 18:05 Optional afternoon social trip