- Arrange yourselves into a team of 3 or 4 people – at least three of the team members must be students
- Come up with a Team Name – EXTRA 5 POINTS FOR CREATIVITY
- All tasks (except the last one) are worth one point.
- You must submit your answers, including photographs as a PDF file to info AT evostar DOT org no later than 10pm on Thursday
- You should try and complete as many of the tasks as you can – don’t worry if you can’t manage all of them.
- Each task is worth 1 point, unless otherwise stated
Our team of judges (Anikó Ekart, Anna I Esparcia-Alcázar and Luke Lunn) will decide the winners and present prizes at the closing session.
1. Get a picture of your team together at the student welcome reception and tweet it using @EvostarConf and #evostar2024.
2. Get a picture of a member of your team making an oral or poster presentation.
3. Get a picture of what you think is the best poster that doesn’t belong to a member of your team.
4. Get a picture with at least 3 past local organisers of EvoStar.
5. Get a picture with a person who has won the EvoStar Dissemination Award.
6. Get a picture with someone who has won the Julian F. Miller Award.
7. Get a picture with the person who has travelled the farthest to get to the conference (state how far they travelled).
8. Get a picture with at least 3 winners of the EvoStar Award +1 POINT FOR EACH EXTRA WINNER
9. Get a picture with a past Best paper award winner (state the year and event)
10 Get a team picture in front of a Welsh flag.
11. Get a picture of a bilingual sign.
12. Get a team picture at the EvoMUSART Exhibition.
13. Get a team picture on the Steps to Nowhere near the Arts Centre.
14. Get a team picture with the giant Bucket Hat at the National Library of Wales.
15. Take a team picture with the building where King Charles lived while he was a student at Aberystwyth University.
16. Get a team picture kicking the bar.
17. There are snakes on the prom! Take a picture of one.
18. Aberystwyth is known for its Starling Murmurations during the autumn and winter months. Get a team picture with the ‘seafront building’ where thousands of starlings roost over night during that time of the year.
18. Get a team picture at Aberystwyth Castle.
20. Find the ‘War and Peace at the Castle’ exhibition on the promenade. Get a picture of your favourite mosaic.
21. Get a picture of a Starling (not necessarily real) together with at least one team member.
22. Get a team picture on the top of constitution hill – EXTRA 3 POINTS
23. Share how you enjoy the Evostar conference on a social network of your choosing (include a print screen or link).
24. Rewrite the lyrics of Abba’s song “Waterloo” using EvoStar as the theme – EXTRA 5 POINTS

Mug designed and produced by Driftwood Designs ( Coaster produced by Dawns Welsh Gifts (